Human Rights Foundation

For individuals in closed societies, or for anyone facing hyperinflation, capital controls, sanctions, or financial surveillance, Bitcoin can be a tool of freedom. Your donation of BTC will help HRF research and advocate for people’s rights and liberties across the world.


The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) saves lives around the UK coast.

The unofficial emergency service of the sea, the RNLI has 237 lifeboat stations and 444 lifeboats. It’s estimated they save 22 lives a day.

Unlike other emergency services the RNLI receives no government support and relies totally on charitable donations.

Virtual Doctors

Virtual Doctors provides doctor supported remote assistance to remote communities in Africa using telemedicine.

Virtual Doctors ran a pilot project using 20 Virtual Doctors and Fizzbook computers, launched in six rural health centres in partnership with the Ministry of Health, Zambia. They went on to launch a bespoke telemedicine app, specifically designed for rural Zambia, and the use of smartphones